ok doing this quiz cuz bro asked me too :)
1. Who taqq you with this?Daryl bro
Your relationship with him/her is?Bro?
3. Your 5 impression of him/her is? Truthful, unbiased, professional, fun, warm
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you is? nothing?
The most memorable thing he/she had say to you is? hello? lol every tiems ee me will say de :)
6. If he/she has something that needs to be improve on, what will it be? time planning
7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: run far far away to prevent fights
8. What will the reason be, if he/she becomes your enemy? dunno?
9.>.>the most desire thing you want to do for him/her now ? uhh. nothing? all the best at studies?
10. If he/she becomes your lover, you will:that dumb... he's a guy..
11.> Overrall imprresion of her/him is ? good at what he do?
12. What do people around you thinks about you?dunno? lol
13. What are the characters you love about yourself?dunno
14. What about the characters you hate about yourself?er, dunno.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is? Erich Hartmann? Corporal Rob Furlong?
16. People you care for are? (the choice is yours if you want to answer anot)Family?
17. For people who cares for you, anything you want to say to them? i love you?
18. Pass this to 10people that you want to know how they feel about you :(lols. wun force u all to do la. if got time then do lor. lols i do for fun nia. hahas.)
5)Gui Li
6)Shi Hwei
10)Jolene Choo